Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Letter 1 to Dieskey

Dear Dieskey,

I'm sick...

I feel so hard pain inside my heart which avoiding me from breathing...Dieskey it's the most painful but it's the sweetest feeling I have ever had...I just miss you so bad.. I am wondering if I will see you some day..I long to see your pretty smile which will shine the rest of my life..Honey I am crying...will you stop my crying..will you..? I need you...all I want to do is to scream calling your name and to say I love you

eat well

::: Dieskey عاشقة:::

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Just for you I will do what you please

Sometimes I say let him mary one, two, three, or even four as long as he promise me that when he choose a woman he choose the one who will give him all the happiness that she can give with no conditions...If he loves some girl, let him love as long as I will be sure that he do what he want to do...I swear I won't bother him...his smile is the most precious thing to me..I will stay aside just for him.

How come...?! when I feel jealous from his roommate..because his roommate can see him every day...he can eat with him....he can hang out with him....he can say Good morning to him...

But me...I can't even breathe the air he breathes, I wish I was an angel, at least I will watch him all day long , watching the most beautiful creature in the world. I will protect him from anything anyone could hurt him...

I miss you Dieskey

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


إني أحبك يا الله حباً جما وأني لا أشرك بك أحدا
أصبحت أقرب إليك عندما جعلت قلبي ينبض بحب دايسكي
جعلتني يارب أؤمن بالمستحيل وأنك القادر على كل شيء
وأن تحقق أمنيتي بأن أكون سبباً في سعادته
إن لم أكن ، فاجعله يا كريم سعيداً مع من يحب
وأتسآأل هل يا ترى برحمتك سأراه في الجنة؟
سألت شخصاً "هل هناك شيئاً آخر في الحياة قد يجعلك تشعر بالنشوة كالخمر؟
فقال:لا "
لم أكن مقتنعتاً برده...لأنني لم أذق يوماً شراباً محرماً ومع ذلك فأني أشعر أن هناك شيء ما يجعلني ثملة
ويجعلني أفقد عقلي وقدرتي على التركيز والأدهى أنني أرى وجه دايسكي في كل الوجوه التي أمامي ويجعلني أهمس إليه وأناديه وهو ليس معي...لا أدري متى سأفوق؟